Case Update (2020): Cordoba v. Mullins; 1980 Hague Abduction Convention, Abstention Doctrine

The June 23, 2020 opinion in Cordoba v. Mullins raises an interesting abstention issue between a State Court divorce and protection order case and a Federal Hague Abduction return petition. Ms. Mullins (Mother) allegedly absconded with the parties’ two minor children to Illinois on January 4, 2020. After learning of the children’s departure, Mr. Cordoba (Father) filed an "international parental child abduction case" in Ecuador and enrolled the children in the Passport Issuance Alert Program . On January 9, 2020, Ms. Mullins filed a dissolution petition and a civil protection order matter in Cook County Circuit Court in Illinois (which were consolidated into one State Action). On March 18, 2020, Mr. Cordoba filed a motion to dismiss the State Action arguing a lack of jurisdiction. That motion remains open and unresolved. The Motion itself, according to the federal court, first raised the issue of the Hague Abduction Convention (despite not bei...