Case Update (2020): Forcelli v. Smith; Hague Abduction, Habitual Residence

On August 25, 2020, the U.S. District Court for the District of Minnesota ordered a minor child returned to Germany in the case of Forcelli v. Smith under the Hague Abduction Convention. The key issue was whether Germany was the child's habitual residence. In or about August 2019, the parents, with the Mother in Germany and Father in Minnesota, agreed to have the parties' three children visit with their father in Minnesota for 3 weeks. Just prior to the trip, the parties started talking about the Mother securing a U.S. green card (although she never completed the process). The 1 oldest child was already a U.S. citizen, and the parents applied for U.S. citizenship for both younger children. When the mother and 3 children arrived in Minnesota, the Mother expressed concern over finances and her health. The parents agreed the three children would remain with their Father in the United States "for the time being" (according to the Mother). She retur...