Case Update (2020): Nahar v. Salgia; Reopening prior custody agreement to impose a mutual ne exeat travel ban; abduction prevention issues

A recent New Jersey family court opinion, Nahar v. Salgia , mirrors the debate that occurs between international parents in custody litigation in the United States all the time. The father accused the mother of being a risk of abducting their two children to India, and he sought a writ of ne exeat , which would prohibit her from traveling internationally with the 2 children (both age 11 at the time of the most recent iteration of their custody case). Their history is long and storied, including litigation in NJ and India, and an alleged abduction of the children some six years ago, where father claimed the mother kept the children in India unilaterally, and mom claimed the children were sick, with at least one being hospitalized. Shortly thereafter, the mother moved to India and left the children in the father's custody in NJ, before she returned and obtained U.S. citizenship. There were a variety of custody orders. It came to a head yet again in this litig...