Case Update (2020): Jayagaran v. Jayagaran; improper service of process, no due process, refuse to recognize foreign divorce decree as a matter of comity

In the case of Glory and Sunita Jayagaran , the Washington Court of Appeals refused to recognize an Indian divorce decree because the Husband did not properly serve his Wife, thereby denying her due process. The couple lived approximately 18 years, having 3 children, in Washington State. In March 2015, the couple returned to India for Husband's job. Shortly thereafter, the Wife brought the children back to the United States, allegedly escaping a bad marriage. The Husband initiated a divorce proceeding in India, and attempted service several times on the Wife's parents' house in India, with each attempt at service being rejected because she was not residing there ("return to sender" and her mother telling the person serving process that she had returned to the United States a year earlier). Husband sought alternative service from the Indian court, and mailed the new "Form 11" to the Wife's friend's house and a Microsoft Campus Building (presu...