UK Update (2021): G v. G; The Hague Abduction Convention and its impact on a request for asylum - the UK experience

The UK Supreme Court heard oral argument this week in the case of G v. G, on the complex issue of a child's asylum claim and a parent's request to return that child using the Hague Abduction Convention to the country that the child is trying to escape. You can find the case details here . The questions presented to the Supreme Court were: 1) Does a child named as a dependent on a parent's asylum application have any protection from refoulement? 2) Can a return order be made under the 1980 Hague Convention even where a child has protection from refoulement? 3) Should the High Court be slow to stay an application under the 1980 Hague Convention prior to determination of an application for asylum? The Court of Appeals for England and Wales concluded that the High Court was not barred from determining the Father's application for the return of his child under the Hague Abduction Convention, nor was the court barred from making an order to return the child. ...