Case Update (2021): Minkiewitz v. Becker; habitual residence, no clear error

On February 11, 2021, in the unpublished opinion of Minkiewitz v. Becker , the Court of Appeal of California affirmed the return of a minor child to Mexico under the Hague Abduction Convention. The parties are parents to a 7-year-old son, all are U.S. citizens, and were living on their boat docked in Marina del Rey, California. In December 2016, the family set sail for Mexico, and by January 2017, the family had set up residency in Mexico, where they moored their boat. They enrolled their son in school, he was learning Spanish, but they continued to drive back to Los Angeles for his medical care, so they maintained insurance for cars registered in the United States. The parents acquired the necessary permits and visas to reside in Mexico indefinitely, and while the visas were only temporary, they continued to renew them, and the father applied for permanent residency. The father had bank accounts in both countries, and the family enjoyed entertainment and sociali...